Upon being reunited with Ahsoka Tano™, the soldiers of the 501st show their allegiance to their former commander by altering their clone armor in an homage for her Togruta™ markings. star wars stickers sw stickers the clone. Works only with Ortho's Rex (found in the ARC Bundle - 501st file) Ortho's 4K Clone. Ortho's 4K ARC Commander Skin Reinstatement. Compatibility for Poet's Captain Rex and Ortho's 4K Clone Legions.
If you’re tired of clone troopers (which is a VERY string possibility at this point), then the 442nd Siege Battalion Clone Trooper may not be for you or your collection. Buy 104th Wolfpack Battalion Clone Troopers - Brothers by nothinguntried as a Sticker. Clone Gear Tweaks (Compatible with Ortho's 4K Legions) This mod will do nothing but add gear to heavies and remove some visors without 4K Legions.
Led by Captain Rex™, the 501st Legion is a tight-knit squadron of clone troopers known for strength of character and unwavering loyalty. 327th star Corp (Jedi High General: Ayyla Secura, Clone Commander: CC-5052 or Bly) Battalions. The Militaries Of Star Wars line is nearing perfection and we hope that Sideshow Collectibles can just alter this last annoying setback to get these figures to definitive status. Notice an error or have a suggestion for this page? Contact us here. *Disclosure: The product links to eBay are affiliate links and the Sixth Scale Scavengers may earn a commission at no additional cost to you if you click through and make a purchase.